Thursday, June 22, 2006

No im not naked

I realised after creating Savaii Times the website and declaring it as a somewhat news site, I couldnt write any of my opinions in it as I would be subject to the Code of Ethics and guidelines of the Media in Samoa, so I created this, so I could expose the stench of truth in various things, in here I could talk freely without fearing a defamation suit slapped on my face or a ban from my profession, in here I am naked my thoughts (cheesy yeah, but hey, my site!), so I'll talk, banter on, get pissed off and just generally be me! So here we go!


Malelega said...

Yeah please, get on with it I wanna read some ok. later

The Naked Journalist said...

man you move fast, how did u find this?

Fotuosamoa said...

nyds has it on her page....thats how i got you ...this aint private no more honey, lets prepare for some angro samoans with bitter comments hahah...ooops, whats new about that?