Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The fallacy in transparancy

So the Government of Australia invested thousands of Aussie money so that their concepts Good Governancce, Accountability and Transparency are fully exercised and utilized in our beloved nation of Samoa. This was to be the answer to our dreams, the Journalist. Why? Because finally we are able to gain access to public documents (notice, they are public documents but really they arent). Finally we can investigate a story into Government and actually get the answers at the end of the day, you know the right answer, from the right document at the right place, but low and behold this was not so, of course our PM nodded his head, signed the right documents and said yes to all the right questions when aussie waved the aid sign, but that of ciourse was just for the money, money money and nothing towards the concept which they are trying to introduce. Poor ignorant Aussies thinking they have the stupid little island under its wing, yes of course they have a hidden agenda, but they dont know that Samoans are the greatest at feigned ignorance when it comes to complying with certain parts of agreements.
So Australia is building us millions of dollars worth of infrustructure, well God know how much thats going to cost us in the future, more Aussie officers for some missions in Samoa.. hehe..

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Clueless Journalists

At the JAWS (Journalists Association of W Samoa) meeting yesterday, the last item on the agenda was a discussion of the Da Vinci Code. This was to be the highlight of the otherwise boring meeting, when the President announced that the floor was open to the discussion of the Da Vinci Code, the first expression was: “I move a motion to close this meeting, I am tired of listening to that topic.” Then others agreed and the meeting was closed without a discussion of this topic, never mind that we emphasized on our need to have a stance on the issue, as this is a breach of our right to information, freedom of expression. Ah, well, everytime we have these meetings I always have to take a step back and sing in my head so that I don’t get too frustrated from the lack of response and understanding of certain issues. Back in Journalism school we were told that the three main reasons we join the profession is to 1.be known, 2. influence 3. passion for writing. I can honestly say that only a few or in for the passion, and this begets arrogance. For instance at a Press Conference yesterday, one Journo bullied the organizer of the Press Conference with remarks such as : “You should start now, You should tell us what this is all about, we don’t know what this is about.” Instead of shouting this out maybe she should have done her research. The Journo was loud and pushy much to my disappointment as the PC organizer was very helpful and it was organized well. I do hope I never come across as that in our Conferences.
Peter Lomas, the training and development person for Samoa Observer ended his contract a couple of days ago. I didn’t read the announcement of this but I did notice the change in front page layout right the next day and wondered why. I only found out two days later that PL was gone. Personally I think this is a loss for the Samoan Media, PL was a wealth of information when it came to anything to do with the regional or even global media scene. He had a great network, was fluent in media laws and regulations and knew the ropes when something had to be done. He was very supportive of World Press Freedom Day, a professional to a T and with my dealings with him, a pleasant fella to know, many have attested to this. However many did not like him in the local media, Journos, Editors and others in the field did not appreciate his routine, his way of doing things. Others like myself prejudged him at first, some chose to remain this way but as for me after some background research, positive testimonies from local and foreign colleagues and finally personally dialoguing and working with him I came to appreciate what he has contributed to the regional media and his wealth of knowledge, he was a tremendous help and he is a great loss to us.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

No im not naked

I realised after creating Savaii Times the website and declaring it as a somewhat news site, I couldnt write any of my opinions in it as I would be subject to the Code of Ethics and guidelines of the Media in Samoa, so I created this, so I could expose the stench of truth in various things, in here I could talk freely without fearing a defamation suit slapped on my face or a ban from my profession, in here I am naked my thoughts (cheesy yeah, but hey, my site!), so I'll talk, banter on, get pissed off and just generally be me! So here we go!