I was born on the island of Savaii in the village of Safua and Lalomalava, I went to school in the village of Fusi, my mother takes me shopping in the village of Salelologa, and every week I associated with people from the rest of Faasaleleaga and some from other districts in Savaii. These stories I will relate below are events which I witnessed first hand or were told to me by my friends or family, others are events or situations that everyone knew about but it was the general concensus was that it was none of our business and we were not to interfere, the rest of us did not know any better. These are events which occured while I was growing up, they happened to people I knew, to people I did not know and to those I did not wish to know. These are some general statements, or straight facts on some of these incidents.
A fellow students ear was half torn by a teacher who tossed at it as a form of punishment.
The wife of an influential matai in the district was having an affair with the captain of his village rugby team. Everyone knew this, the rugby boys, the womens committee, the family of the wife, the family of the husband, the only person who did not know was the husband.
Four female relatives who have related their 'first break' to me were cases of rape. They did not know any better and to this day they still think that being forced to have sex is the proper way of losing ones virginity.
Case 1: She was taken by a man to his house, much older than herself, she was a student, and he chased her around a room until she had no energy, he then had his way with her.
Case 2: She was drunk and her boyfriend took her home, she refused the advances but he was stronger and she ended up crying after as she was bleeding and in much pain.
Case 3: The girl was 14 the guy was a family friend, he took her into a room and raped her, she thought it was his right.
Two lesbians from one village were brought forward to the village council for daring to express their sexual orientation, both committed suicide the next day. The general consensus was that was best for them.
Speaking trip this April
1 year ago
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