So the Government of Australia invested thousands of Aussie money so that their concepts Good Governancce, Accountability and Transparency are fully exercised and utilized in our beloved nation of Samoa. This was to be the answer to our dreams, the Journalist. Why? Because finally we are able to gain access to public documents (notice, they are public documents but really they arent). Finally we can investigate a story into Government and actually get the answers at the end of the day, you know the right answer, from the right document at the right place, but low and behold this was not so, of course our PM nodded his head, signed the right documents and said yes to all the right questions when aussie waved the aid sign, but that of ciourse was just for the money, money money and nothing towards the concept which they are trying to introduce. Poor ignorant Aussies thinking they have the stupid little island under its wing, yes of course they have a hidden agenda, but they dont know that Samoans are the greatest at feigned ignorance when it comes to complying with certain parts of agreements.
So Australia is building us millions of dollars worth of infrustructure, well God know how much thats going to cost us in the future, more Aussie officers for some missions in Samoa.. hehe..
Speaking trip this April
1 year ago
hahaha Nice one Go STui, fool those buggers. I think if Aussie spent their aid appropriately they might actually aid real people. All their aid go to paying their personnel supposedly helping in Samoa and those Youth Ambassadors taking jobs from the locals.
Yeah go stu'i, sifi o kaufaavalea. For all their good governance and accountability, nothing is every transparent or made accountable for in Samoan politics. If that were the case, who'd want to be a politician? What's politics without playing dirty. Hehe.
Nice blog cuz. I was loyke it a lot.
true dat sider,
kuluk kuluk!!!!!
luv luv
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