Sometimes I swear I am plagued with the foot in mouth disease :) in that I constantly put my foot in my mouth without intending to do so, metaphorically speaking of course! Last night one of my foot in mouth situations was at the table with all the fellows, coordinators and trainers I said to the chairman of apjc: "Your wife is very tall." He said: "Yes she is." everyone nodded their heads in agreement with my sentiment then ms jackson went on to say: "So how was it in the begining?" It was one of those moments, blonde moments when my need to know how he felt being a short man being seen with a much taller woman really came out as me wondering about the poor mans sex life... hehe... chooo hooo.
Lastnight I had what has been described by my boss as a 'literary diahhorea' whereby i sat down to write on a topic and everything just poured onto the pages and the next thing you know i had written twenty pages worth of critique on globalisation, it was awesome! The night before I also went on an analytical rampage and came up with abou fifteen pages worth of graphs and content analysis of the three main newspapers in melbourne, its kinda nice to finally write without the rules that surround journalism, its like my mind just let go and let flow:)
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