Yvonne in my opinion is the strongest person in our family, she gets it from her grandmother and her mother. Yvonne in her lifetime has already witnessed the death of her great grandmother and the birth of both her sister and brother. Yvonne is that light that shines on anything and anyone at anytime. She has an energy that could inspire great things. Yvonne is sharp, honest and beautiful. She is appreciative, hopeful, inquisitive and charming. Her only weaknesses are her brother and sister. She guards them with her life, sacrificing anything to ensure they smile, laugh and get what they want.
The cake!
Lately Lani and I have gotten into decorating home made cakes for the kids birthdays. She baked a flat square chocolate cake for Vettes birthday and I decorated it with wafers and marshmallows, creating a little house and garden on the cake. They loved it, so today we decided we were going to do it with the kids as part of the birthday present, which is officially tommorow. We bought a cake and decorations and sat down at their dining table, Yvonne, Yvette, myself and Barry at the head of the table. We started with the brown cream, covering the body of the cake, then we filled in the nozzeled tube with pink cream to write on the cake. Armed with the tube and ready to write, I asked Yvonne what she wanted on her cake. Initially she said: "Happy Birthday Vonne." then after some encouragement that she could say anything as it is her cake she said: "How about, I HATE MELE." Lani and I laughed out loud, Mele of course was Yvonne Mele Sapatu, her name sake, her aunty and of course her arch enemy. Mele would be at the birthday party, poor Yvonne would be strangled if the inscription was such! So in the end we settled for Happy birthday yvonne, meanwhile Barry decided to stand on the chair instead of sitting, and he was sneezing at maximum speed therefore sending, not tiny but huge specs of saliva onto the cake, it was hilarious. After some adjustments and quarter of the cake cut for tasting, and lots of eaten cream later, we came up with a nice birthday cake for vonne.
Mega and Jody, Yvonne asked last week if you were both coming for her birthday. I said unfortunately it is too expensive for you both to travel so you wont be making it. She then asked if you were sending a card for her, according to Lani, Yvonnes latest obsession has been receiving something in the mail. So we decided I was going to write letters, get it stamped and ready for postage however I will place it in my mailbox. Tommorow I can take Yvonne to my mail box, open it and low and behold letters from Aunty Jody and Aunty Mega in a mailbox, addressed to her! She never has to know :)
Her latest dumbfounding question.
Aunty Relle, when I am 18 will you be dead?
Her light bulb question.
While sun bathing at Palolo deep, looking up at the sky, she asked.
"Aunty, what is beyond the clouds?"
The wisest things she has said.
After asking why her Great Grandmother died, she said:
"Is it because her time has come."
Her latest wish
"Aunty, when I am 18 can you take me to Thailand to ride elephants?"
The question I thought she would never ask
This is after being explained the concept of ex-boyfriend and marriage.
"Why do people stop loving?"
my darling yvonne,...i miss her sooo much (and the other two as well).
What's the mailbox #?
I'll call tonite when i get home, on lani's phone...
by the way she was the one who asked me about the ex thing,...and who better to clarify the issue than aunty jody?
so i sat down with her and vetti and told them that usually, an ex boyfriend is a jealous insecure anti social idiot who didn't know his ass from his face, ya know,...stuff like that, that all 8 year olds needed to understand..
give her a big hug and a kiss from me.
what a beautiful, bright and delightful child..Wise beyond her years. Hear is to a wonderful future honey child filled with lots of love and happiness may you get to ride 'em elephants on ur 18th birthday.
thanks, im proud to call her my niece! to report back, the birthday went well, it was at tulaele :( but she enjoyed it, the cake looked great in the end. from her aunties 'ahem on all our behalf' i bought her some snorkeling gear as she loves snorkelling at Palolo deep, accompanying that was a set of books as she is now getting into the nerdy phase of her life... that being said, sorry guys she is nine not eight..hehe
yeah, exactly relle,...nine not eight!!
i talked to her last nite, also to the other nightmares yvette and barry, well, more like i was listening and they were fitghing on the phone.
fa laia.
Yeah Relle, she's 9 not 8 and don't worry on my behalf, we sent her a present and post card from Europe. The blimin' thing ended up costing almost as much as the present haha but its Vonne's b'day. Reminds me I sent them postcards from Egypt to your mail box and Lani said they never got them!/ hmm lost in translation or?? Good on you for representing Aunty. Really miss being there watching them grow up. Mind u they are near travelling age and Vonne can visit us soon... Yippeee I dream of the day I'll take them travelling! It'll be awesome of course with the crazy aunties fighting over the elephants or clinking cockatails cheers sis! Choo hoo. Happy Birthday Vonnie.
more like...yvonne on the elephant and the aunties drunk under the elephant hahahah
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