of course we print journos may all fear the demise of our industry what with the growing urge and practice of online journalism taking the focus away from print, it is an inevitable truth that we must all come to face. print journalism is quick fading.
its now the day an age of blackberry, ipods and cam corders, no more notepads or inky pens in pockets for old-skool journos as we are now called.
the fairfax fuckwit redundancies in aussie last week is a kind reminder of this fact, as the online journalism takes over, our print generation will face an impending doom which will probably only be preserved in computer chips as scanned copies of the once well read and passed around newspaper.
but it is not such a bad thing, the mere existence of this blog is a suggestion that i too have betrayed my original commitment and loyalty to pure print journalism. we are after all in a day and age of virtual reality where even the average citizen can become a journalist from the comfort or discomfort of their own homes.
perhaps the hope of journalism lies in the essence of the practice, that of verification and the observance of j-ethics!
word up!
Speaking trip this April
1 year ago